F-4E Phantom II

Макдоннелл Дуглас F-4 Фантом II


Сверхзвуковой реактивный перехватчик большой дальности

Первый полет27 мая 1958 года

Фото галерея McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II, McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II является тандем, двухместный, двухмоторный, все-погода, дальний сверхзвуковой реактивный истребитель-перехватчик / истребитель-бомбардировщик, первоначально разработанный для ВМС США McDonnell Aircraft. Впервые он поступил на вооружение ВМС США в 1960 году. Доказав высокую адаптацию, он также был принят Корпусом морской пехоты США и ВВС США, а к середине 1960-х годов стал основной частью их соответствующих воздушных > крыльев.

Источник: F-4 Фантом II в Википедии

McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II
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Дополнительная информация:

The McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II was a versatile and powerful fighter aircraft that served with the US Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps, as well as several other countries. It was designed in the early 1950s as a carrier-based interceptor and fighter-bomber, capable of flying at speeds over Mach 2 and carrying a variety of weapons, including air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles, bombs and rockets. The F-4 Phantom II was also equipped with a sophisticated radar and electronic warfare system, making it a formidable adversary in any combat scenario. The F-4 Phantom II saw extensive action during the Vietnam War, where it performed various roles such as air superiority, ground attack, reconnaissance and suppression of enemy air defenses. It also set several world records for speed and altitude, demonstrating its superior performance and reliability. The F-4 Phantom II remained in service for decades after the Vietnam War, undergoing several upgrades and modifications to adapt to changing threats and missions. It was finally retired from US military service in 1996, but some countries still operate it today. The F-4 Phantom II was one of the most successful and widely produced fighter aircraft in history, with more than 5,000 units built by McDonnell Aircraft Corporation and Mitsubishi Aircraft in Japan. It was also the first and only fighter aircraft to fly with both US aerobatic teams, the Blue Angels and the Thunderbirds. The F-4 Phantom II was a remarkable achievement of aviation engineering and design, and a legendary icon of the Cold War era.

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